Monday, October 27, 2008

Bathroom Door Completed

Well I finished the bathroom door - in all it took 1 week. We're pretty happy with the results. In the end we ended up painting the old hardware a flat black which is the closest to it's real color. They were to far deteriorated to leave them natural.

Here are some before and after pictures.

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's been a while...

It's been quite a while since I've posted an updated. Overall it's been a pretty slow summer. Between spending lots of money getting a new roof and going to the cottage every weekend the house was kind of put on hold.

However, we are now back into it.

This weekend we made a list of some things we wanted to get done around the house and jumped in. First off was to strip and re-paint the bathroom door. It is by far the worst looking door in the house. I setup some work horses outside and went to town with the heat gun. It took about 6 hours to strip the entire door. I then used some wood filler to fill all of the holes and cracks.

The second door I worked on was one that was sitting in the basement. This one was used to make a workbench - not a great idea by the previous owners. This door belongs in the third bedroom closet. I stripped one side of it and started to repair it. The left side had about a 6 inch section that cracked off so it will take a bit to get it back to new.

I hope to update at least twice a week when I have lots of projects going on. There is lots in store for the next 6 months.