Monday, October 20, 2008

It's been a while...

It's been quite a while since I've posted an updated. Overall it's been a pretty slow summer. Between spending lots of money getting a new roof and going to the cottage every weekend the house was kind of put on hold.

However, we are now back into it.

This weekend we made a list of some things we wanted to get done around the house and jumped in. First off was to strip and re-paint the bathroom door. It is by far the worst looking door in the house. I setup some work horses outside and went to town with the heat gun. It took about 6 hours to strip the entire door. I then used some wood filler to fill all of the holes and cracks.

The second door I worked on was one that was sitting in the basement. This one was used to make a workbench - not a great idea by the previous owners. This door belongs in the third bedroom closet. I stripped one side of it and started to repair it. The left side had about a 6 inch section that cracked off so it will take a bit to get it back to new.

I hope to update at least twice a week when I have lots of projects going on. There is lots in store for the next 6 months.

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